Thursday, December 20, 2012

New Tattoos!

Ok, it's not as exciting as one might think. But I got 3.

Went back to the cancer center today. Sadly, they recognize us at the security desk. Went to get measured for my custom tan sessions. I mean, the burning of my skin and supposedly any wandering cancer cells that ran fast enough from the scalpel.

It was an ordeal. CT scan with my arm up over my head. Damn, that scar tissue! It was ok, but a real bitch when I was done, which was about 20-30 minutes. After the scan I had to lay there while the science club behind the glass checked out my images (hope they got my good side!) and then, one of the guys came in to measure. I have never seen someone's hands shake so uncontrollably like that, and I wondered how the hell he was getting any accuracy at all with the tape measure. When he walked out, I asked the assistant if they could hear us behind the glass, and when she said no, I asked if he always shakes like that. She said he does, but he's good at what he does. Perhaps the coffee machine in the waiting area should be inaccessible to him. Anyway, someone else came in to double check his work, which made me feel better. And the radiologist was hanging, and at some point he said to his assistant that she should see why he decided to skip lunch yesterday and hang with us instead. Funny enough, we both noticed his tummy growling. But we had no idea he skipped lunch to help us out!  Then I got my tattoos. Basically, with all the markings on my breast, the assistant took ink and put it on 3 spots, then proceeded to poke me with a needle. The first was numb. The other two, notsomuch. Especially #3 which was under my damn armpit. Old school tattooing. Glad they were just small dots. I never could have sat through barbed wire around my bicep. Hah!

After all of that, we were ushered into the alternative therapy room. We had mentioned interest in massage and acupuncture yesterday. Apparently I can get 2 massages through the hospital, as a cancer patient. I'll take them! They are trained to work with oncology patients, and I believe - breast cancer in particular. So, I called and got an appointment next Friday. I know it will be too mild for what I'm used to, but I need some damn relief, and they know how to bolster us, what is uncomfortable. In fact, the woman on the phone said that she had the same plastic surgeon for her reconstruction as I do! 9 years ago!

Meanwhile, while we were there, the woman who runs the hippie room does acupuncture. She asked if I was interested and short of jumping up and proposing to her, I said "Definitely". I've had and loved acupuncture in the past. Please help me with my stress and anxiety and discomfort. She asked how soon I'd like to start... next week, maybe? I asked if "in 5 minutes" was too soon, so she checked her schedule and got me in tomorrow! We need some clearance but that should be a non-issue. Please, turn me into a human pin cushion and let me meditate in my porcupine costume.

She also does cupping and gua sha and reiki. I'm SO down with the hippie joint. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to access it, probably through my radiation. She said that after my 2 massage sessions, she has associates who can work with me at a discounted rate, and perhaps even make housecalls. I've been PETRIFIED to go to a massage therapist that doesn't get cancer, the reconstruction process, etc. So, there it is. Thank you, universe.

I need to get so much done - damn. I did finally color my hair tonight. I'm not sure when the last time was, but I didn't realize until a few weeks ago exactly how much grey is now in my hair. I'm sure it multiplied since cancer. And I know I haven't been coloring my roots because of the chemicals, but also because - who the hell cares? But I'm working again, and will be around more and more in the real world. Nobody cares about a few grays at the hospital. In my world? Bad idea. So that was a nice treat. I really have to find an effective natural hair color - if anyone has any that they like, please let me know. Geez, everything we use in here is natural, except my damn hair color. I guess it's a pretty good ratio, but if I can make it better, I would love to.

Off to redo my nails - gig Saturday and I need Christmas cheer on my fingers and toes. And my stepdaughter arrives tomorrow night. Late. I have to pick her up at the airport at midnight or so - hubs has a gig. I hear the new Newark Airtrain is easy, so let's hope that's the case! Speaking of her visit... I have to clean tonight! Crap.

Looking forward to my zen moment tomorrow. Looking forward to starting radiation Jan 2 (just to get it done, you know?) Looking forward to the skin craziness fading. I guess I can even out with some self-tanner. This will be a task but hopefully I won't discolor too horribly. I've seen some photos and, all I can say is - YIKES.

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