Sunday, January 13, 2013

Whirlwind day. And now, a breath and a cup of coffee. Oh, and a crash and burn.

Yesterday. Wow. Had a rehearsal for the dance piece, and it was so interesting to play for this piece again. When we did the first run, I knew I had breast cancer. I watched 4 female dancers in various stages of undress, mostly un. This rehearsal was a bit surreal, watching these women move around with nothing to hide. I wondered how a piece like this would be if the woman/women had reconstructive surgery of varying degrees. Perhaps one character without reconstruction. One with expanders only. One with a full on reconstruction but nipple-less. And one with complete reconstruction. I don't know about you - but I would go see this in a heart beat. Hey - if anyone does this piece, I want credit AND a  spot in the band! Just leave me off the dance floor. At least, I think.

Hubby and I met back home for about 30 minutes before he left for his gig, and we had some soup - we're both on the edge of a cold and have been hanging here for a while now. I'm pretty sure I have to be extra careful during this time. My immune system feels like a stun gun popped it. Hopefully, it will wear off and I'll be back in business, but I'm so tired and underslept and overworked that I feel like every germ that might be lurking can find it's way to my system.

Anyway, I played the dance piece, had to run out because we started late to get to my other gig - but it all worked out. Had a blast at the second gig, ran into quite a few folks that I hadn't seen in a while, one singer I saw, I probably last saw about 15 years ago. Is that even possible?  Anyway, had a great time playing with the boys and seeing friends. Got home a few minutes before the hubby, and we made some post-gig popcorn and tried to relax.

And here I am. Sunday morning. Exhausted. The kitties make a racket when it starts getting late and nobody's fed them. I get it, but sheesh! Got up for coffee and a protein shake (I got this new super duper live enzyme sprouted everything shake but am too lazy to get up and look at the package to link it. But it is cancer safe and not vile tasting). I then started thinking about having "a day" and immediately, my body shut down. I'm so tired. Hubby made me go lay down, and he rubbed my feet and tried to convince me to sleep, but my brain! Stupid brain! Or is it the opposite? No matter. I did lay down for a bit, but am back up (obviously). Fixed a spinach salad with cottage cheese and flaxseed oil, and mixed in some homemade pesto (organic basil from our garden, garlic - lots, and chopped walnuts, the cancer killer!) Glad we had it in the freezer! At the end of the summer I went out and chopped it all down and made a huge batch of oil-less pesto so we could season and use it for whatever. That whatever was yummy and healthy.

I'm not sure if I posted about my broccoli sprouter yet - but I started a batch Friday evening, been rinsing twice a day, and they are little sprouty guys now! I forget how many days it takes for them to be super rock star sprouts, but I'm pretty sure in a couple of days we'll be starting a new batch. I'm also happy that I started a yogurt batch last night. I need to check out my kombucha to see if I need to make more of that. Funny how all of these processes become second nature. Next on the list is sauerkraut and/or kimchee. And no, I'm not sewing our own clothes yet. Or probably ever.

Looking forward to seeing my little girl tonight. She spent the weekend with her dad (most likely her grandparents, then), and she has rehearsal for her play this afternoon. Yes, on a Sunday. I sure hope her dad doesn't drop the ball - I have reminded him several times, and it will give him a chance to drop her off and not be responsible for her. I just hope he really does it, for her sake. Of course, the little voice in my head says to remind him again today. Since when did I sign up to babysit my 50 year old ex?

On the burned aquarium in my chest. It's red. The Creme De La Mer is very helpful, and expensive but I can use it at night and make sure that it all gets absorbed into my skin and not clothing. It's really amazing how it takes the redness down a few notches. With the new ass-hole time crunch at work, I need to figure out a way to apply at least some organic aloe vera gel and run to work right after treatment without drying time. My girl and I just cleaned out some tee shirts that are too small on her, so I think I'll chop them up and make little cotton covers to keep the crud from seeping into my bra/shirt. But I am trying to think of a plastic barrier to put between the cotton and bra, so I can hopefully prevent staining of clothing. Imagine if all of my shirts develop stains over the left breast? Yikes. Saran wrap is too pliable and annoying. Any ideas? How is my skin going to hold up for 5 more weeks of this shit? I read so much about the skin basically dying. I started to google pictures but had to stop. If my skin gets anywhere near that, I'm going to request a FUCKING BREAK. Oh my GOD, PEOPLE! You can't walk around with your cancer breast looking like a bag of rotten meat and think that it's helping you.

Wow. Anyway, yes. I will be taking care of my skin as best I can.

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