Well, mine, anyway.
I look forward to acupuncture at my Cancer Center (which apparently will NOT change their name to Clown School - it really would cheer me up to see a cool Circus sign light up when I walk in weekly! They have no sense of humor or humanity...)
My jaw, as I've mentioned many times, feels like it is going to snap off and never be mine again. I've always had some TMJ issues, but now? With the joint pain and bone loss? I almost WANT it to fall off, so I can prove a point to my damn Oncologist!
Eh, fuck her. I want my jaw AND my life back.
Today, my acupuncturist treated, amongst other things, my TMJ. Normally, she is wary to stick needles in folks there, because it's intense as hell, but me? I say BRING IT. I'm very sensitive and tuned into this stuff, and know a lot of points and meridians. Yeah, I studied this back in the day, before I knew that I really wanted to be a broke musician. Woo! I regret nothing, and am super glad for my curious mind. I think my acupuncturist loves that I know points, she likes discussing why things work, why I feel things, or don't, when a needle doesn't want to go in, when it doesn't want to leave, etc. The human body fascinates me, especially when it's Eastern medicine.
Anyway, wow. Still pain in my joint, but it really was magical. I'm forever grateful for her work with me. I believe I would either be dead now, or in the loony bin. I think that acupuncture, and all alternative healing (massage, and even exercise) are amazing forms of therapy. And she's not a fruity-tooty hippie chick, either. She is a no-nonsense "This works" gal. If you saw her in the hallways, you'd think she was a doc. My midwife was similar. I like folks like that. Don't be all throwing feathers up my nose and chanting like a sub-par singer songwriter. Fix me.
Meanwhile - some good stuff. My daughter's writing skills? AMAZING. She reminds me of me at that age, but she's way more sophisticated. She's such a bookworm, and I think that teaches her to write like nothing else. Well, like a book. Duh. Oh, Tamoxifen brain, you suck ass.
And, apparently, you encourage me to use more potty language.
Golden milk has been consumed. Time to go pretend to read a book while I play some Words with Friends as I try to adjust my blurry eyes to see the screen. I think that the Tamoxifen makers should refund my Lasik costs. Oh, and die a horrible death.
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