Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Motion of the Sickness

Thank goodness, not me.

Today was the last day of school. My daughter lost her favorite baseball cap yesterday. She was bummed but actually handled it really well. I had bought her a Pokemon hat to add to her birthday gifts (I'm an early shopper - Christmas is already underway!) and decided that she had been doing so well that she could get the hat as her "last day of school" gift.  She was floored!!!

In my delicate state, I am able to go out in the real world. Every step makes me nervous but also empowers me. If I step off of a steep curb, I feel it.

After the fridge dude left, we had a working fridge (but the water wouldn't work again, unless we replaced the entire door, which would cost about the same as a new fridge!), and I was almost $300 poorer. But, happy that he was very nice and honest, and that our groceries wouldn't die.

So, we decided to head out to Mitsuwa! She's a big fan of anime, Japanese food, and all that stuff (we all are!) and so it seemed ideal for a celebration. Plus, it's Wednesday. Who the hell is out on a Wednesday? We caught the bus out, but hubby felt a little off. He's been on and off sick, and he pulled his back so badly the other day that we didn't think he'd be able to walk the 5 minutes home from the gym. Lots of stress, lots of work, little sleep. So we got there and he literally ended up on a bench, asleep. Well, after we had some sick ramen and a coconut bubble tea. So baby girl and I looked around. She bought a Pokemon something - I have no clue what it is, but she loves it! Went back to go grocery shopping and she was really sidetracked with her new toy, so I sent her to the bench with her sleeping sick stepdad. I grabbed random groceries, checked out, and we waited on line for the bus back - which was full by the time we got to the door. What to do? The next bus was in 2 hours. DINNER! By then, hubs was feeling better. So he got a curry udon for us to share, my girl got a salmon rice ball and a miso soup, and I got some fancy ginger ale (which also helped settle hubby's tummy). Then, we went BACK to buy more groceries! Now that I wasn't alone and had some time, plus someone to push the cart. (See: recovering from surgery)  Not only did we get a bottle of plum wine (yum!), we grabbed a raspberry wine, too. No clue what it will taste like, but I sure like the idea! A few other treats, then we made it back for the next bus. Got there early enough to be 3rd on line. And, with enough time to turn back and get ice cream for the wait. Mmmm. Red bean ice cream. Yeah, I can't eat dairy. But whatever. I have cancer.

So, the ride back was packed. And more folks were rejected and had to wait for the next bus - I hope they enjoyed their ice cream too!  :)

But the bus - so hot. And bumpy. I started feeling a bit ill, as did the others. We were stuck in traffic for a while. By the time the bus stopped, we couldn't WAIT for some air! It was raining out in NJ on the way back, but fine here in the city, so luckily we walked home. I'm not sure any of us wanted to sit in another vehicle!!!

I'm feeling hormonal. My damn hormones are all tamoxicrazy. I sure hope that my period will just stop. I mean, what is the point??? The pattern has been every 2 weeks - so I either have my period or PMS. I think that when a woman is prescribed Tamoxifen, it should come with fancy chocolates. A bottle of 30 pills, a box of 30 chocolates. Seems logical.

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