Friday, June 14, 2013

Surgery, over and out!

Had my exchange surgery yesterday.

It was a good day.

Got there at 1pm, got into the amazing hospital garb, chatted with the nurse, had my stats checked, met the anesthesiologist, saw my surgeon, and while he drew on me with markers, he said "Wow, you've lost weight!"  I only saw him a month or so ago for pre-op. Hubby and I explained that I refused to take the tamoxifen if it packed on the pounds. And I want to live, and I know this may have saved my mom, so instead of letting the wind blow wherever it felt was cool, I really have buckled down on my diet and gym time. I'm sad that my delts will lose some of their recent definition, but I am proud of my pre-op work. Of course, I'm nauseous and the only thing to keep that at bay is bread products. So, I'll have some work to do after, considering the fact that between bready things and not working out, I'm going to put a lot of it back on. Maybe.

What's the best way to get leftover medical metallic tastes out of your mouth? Everyone seems to say exactly what I'm doing. Carbs and time. But I'm impatient!

Meanwhile, I'm very please with what I can see of the results. I'm not allowed to wear a bra for a week at least, post op is next Wednesday. I have an ace bandage wrapped above my chest - I guess to keep the implants from floating up. Need to be wrapped unless I'm showering. It's not a good look, but I'll survive. Shoot, I survived everything else so far!!!

If this nausea goes away, I'll only have the soreness to deal with. That I can handle.

Bent over the toilet this morning, getting rid of whatever was in my tummy, not so fun. And I'm still dizzy and nauseous. Just a little. I guess I just have to be patient. Not one of my strengths!!!

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