Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Surgery News and Stuff.

Took a nice "First Day Of Spring" walk this morning to the reconstructive surgeon's office. BRRRRR!

Anyway, stopped by the local farmer's market and got our usual $14 worth of apples (and I got a few more on the way back, just in case???)  We were early, even after our apple detour.

Talked to the doc and company.  Skin looks great for a fried chick.  But I have to wait 6 months minimum to have my surgery on the fried side.  SERIOUSLY? I had no clue it was that long.  At the end of our appointment (and yes, a few tears fell from my eyes, but luckily we were alone in the room while that mishap happened), I had the BRILLIANT idea to have the unfried side operated on earlier. Is it ok? Is it covered to do 2 surgery dates instead of one? Because I am tired of waiting. I'd like to be 50% done. Please!

Post op in 4 weeks, next surgery in 12. If we can get an earlier spot, we're good. But my doc is amazing and booked to the gills.  No date for second surgery yet - but we can hopefully book that when I'm in for pre-op for this one.

PLEASE let someone cancel at a good time for me to go in. Everyone, send good "moving my surgery up" vibes. I want to go in tomorrow.

As it is, I will have to cut an "optional" business trip short for this date, but that gives me 2 days to work/schmooze. I'll hopefully find a convenient flight late the night before, roll home, hit that knife the next day, and be that much closer to being whole.

I know, I'm still whole, despite this whole thing. But, for those who have been through this - it's BULLSHIT. I'm tired of trying to get dressed every day, with pads and weird bras and hoisting things and covering things and avoiding things. Yes, I'll still be a mess, but a little less so, after this procedure. And that to me is worth it.

By the way, I'm about to pop my 7th Tamoxifen pill. I've actually dropped 3 pounds since day 1, but I've been super duper neurotic about everything. We did 3 days of workouts, and really good ones. I've been really on my diet - I mean, doing what I should have been doing all along. It's really difficult in ways, and in others, it's easy to think that I'm in control of something.

-No hot flashes, though I seem to tolerate cold better.
-The only mood swings are UP. Yes. UP.
-I feel bloated tonight, but I'm thinking it was dinner - hubs made a lovely tuna steak and sauteed asparagus and salad. What the heck did it to me? Dunno. But we'll see tomorrow - I have not felt any issues like this so I assume it was perhaps sodium, or something. I had some homemade yogurt and an apple for dinner (which reminds me, I didn't have my usual yogurt breakfast - that might be it!!!)
-My grey hairs are all gone! Oh, wait. I colored my hair Sunday. Never mind.

I think my Mind Games are working. Tamoxiwonderdrug is working! Diet Pill! Anti-Depressant!


I hear the first 2 months are the worst. So far it's going pretty good.

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