Sunday, March 10, 2013

Another Sunday? I missed a week of blahblahblah?

It was a busy week - really busy. My skin is no longer raw, but I do have the most interesting tan lines now. Ugh.

Friday was a big show with a big artist. I managed to piece together an outfit that worked great. It was a long day, but a total blast! I was a bit nervous about how my face, or my brain, or anything would work, but it was one of my best shows. Ever. I think! Or maybe, my radiation brain told me that to shut my head up - but I'm hoping that it was my brain telling me the truth!

Got home around 2am, hubby came home around 3, we chatted and went to bed around 4 - didn't sleep nearly enough, for our full day of errands and his gig (which started around midnight!)

Woke up this morning enough to open one eye and wish him a safe journey, then promptly fell back asleep, waking up every once in a bit. Finally, one of our lovely cats started jumping on me. Yeah. I guess that meant it was time to get up. I'm still tired - been fighting a cold all week, but here I am! After losing that hour (which I find ridiculous - the whole setting the clock back and ahead, who cares???), I needed to motivate. Up practicing, got my coffee rolling, strained the new batch of yogurt (I'm really getting good at it - and my tummy is so thankful for daily yogurt and/or whey in my protein shake!), fired up the new kombucha tea for brewing (we really went through last weeks batch, due to our mutual colds in the house), and transferred some broccoli sprouts (have I mentioned that I bought another sprouting cup so that I can make double batches? They're a huge hit in the home - and they KILL CANCER!!! Even my daughter asks for them!)

I'd love to just sit here all day and be lazy. My cough is not the most fun event in my body (though I'll gladly take that over being radiated again!)

It was nice to go out last night. I was dead tired and almost didn't make it out the door, but a cup of iced coffee revved me up. Nice to see friends, hear the man (he was positively on fire, adorable, and I love seeing him play music that is not jazz!)

I really need to start lifting weights. Last week was a wonderful workout, this week we were too sick and busy to bother, but I could lift weights tonight at home since I honestly don't have time for the gym... and I think my cold is in the safety zone where my body doesn't need to put 100% into fighting anymore. I've started taking honey mixed with cinnamon. I actually think it helps! Well, it's delicious, regardless. ;)

Off I go to conquer the day. Sorry I don't have much Cancery news for ya. Other than my discussion last night with some lady friends about how I should get some smiley face tattoos to put in place of my nipple, until I actually get one. If I do. I probably will, but do I really need a fake nipple? Hmmmm.  Get the implant first, then we'll figure that out.

Oh! One bit of cancery news - I fired my oncologist. Meeting the new gal soon. Stay tuned! Hope she's  a communicative doc who cares about me as a person rather than my estrogen and missing tissue!

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