Sunday, April 21, 2013

What a week!

And how is it possible that it was great??? I have cancer! I should be miserable and ready for the grave.


Thursday's pre-op was fantastic, as written about in my previous post!

This morning I dropped a hair below my pre-stress-diagnosis weight. When I was that weight, that was not my goal, but of course, the weight piled back on as I realized my death sentence. Not totally obsessed about my number weight though, my body fat percentage is dropping too!

I had 3 amazing workouts in a row - Friday, Saturday and today. Today, I worked out like I did when I was a trainer. Sweating, headphones in but no music (my usual trick unless hubby is with me). I like to hear my breath, I like to connect with my muscles, so the headphones work as earplugs AND keep people from talking to me. Usually.

Yesterday, I found THE perfect dress. On sale. They had 2 - one in my size that fit me perfectly! Did I mention it was on sale? I also got a glittery silver dress. Just because. It was on sale, too. And a musician always needs costumes.

I had also had brunch with a friend - I need to do that shit more often. Especially when it involves eggs florentine. Mmmmm.

I got home after hours of practicing, working out, walking, eating, shopping, and had an iced coffee. While I sipped, I searched for my tattoo guy that did my last piece - he's Japanese and has a miraculous touch. I knew my piece I wanted, and I've decided that I want it NOW. Before surgery. I tracked him down, and usually this dude is booked like crazy. How the hell did he have an opening exactly when I wanted it??? So I grabbed some cash for a deposit and ran the hell downtown to plunk it down and claim my stake. I was worried that someone would grab it to get barbed wire around their bicep. My apologies if anyone reading this actually HAS barbed wire there. And if it's Pamela Anderson reading, well, I couldn't physically fit the implants you have into my body, but how the hell do you walk around with those things on? Owch.

SO, that's that I guess. I get my little girl back in a few hours for dinner. I really tried to have an unproductive day today but have been running since 8am. Finally sitting down for some asparagus miso soup and, apparently, to blog. I'm kind of exhausted right now but would love to have an iced coffee and clean the house. It's not awful, but I've been running like crazy since Friday and feel like if I stop now I'll just collapse in a heap! I need to wait until bedtime to do that!!!

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