Monday, April 1, 2013

Well, put away my passport and write me a check...

Trip was canned! I sure hope it wasn't an April Fools Day joke - and by now I know it wasn't... the promoters overseas didn't hold up their total financial bargain, so we're staying put! YAY! Why am I happy? Because I get to stay home, a really fun gig I gave up for the trip is still mine now (they chose to not replace me but just do without), the rest of the furniture boxes just arrived and we get to build furniture every night until it's done, and we don't have to scramble for child care because of my trip (except Friday for my gig)... and I'm getting partial pay for the hassle!

Yes. That's what's UP. While I would have enjoyed the trip and the gigs, my mind is really feeling better right now. Whew. And while I would have enjoyed the full check (plus per diem) I'm totally cool hanging. Building. Cuddling. Working. And not packing right now!

Life is funny. Sometimes in a "haha" way, sometimes in a *cringe* way. So far, I'm giggling.

We had barbecue last night. A lot. Apparently, enough to pack a few pounds back on me. Even with Tamoxithin, you ask? Why yes, it seems it passed by the magic diet pill - but maybe it's just sodium. Or my PMS.  Luckily the Tamoxithin makes me happy, so no more mood swings!

*yes, keep telling yourself that Tamoxi"thin" is an anti-depressant, a diet pill, and anything else you want*  IT'S A MIRACLE!!!

I have been experiencing hot flashes though - accompanied by heat rash on my neck. How the heck do I get rid of the bumps besides wait???  I used to get heat rash as a kid, my kid gets it too. Ugh. But, if that's the worst.... plus it's TEMPORARY. In fact, it will probably never happen again.

And no, I'm not enjoying a glass of wine at the moment. I'm truly this delusional.

I'm exhausted. It's 8pm. Methinks I will not build furniture tonight, though I want to. Hubby got a gig, and I'd be on my own. Perhaps I will just collapse in bed within the next two hours and hopefully stay collapsed until tomorrow morning's alarm. And not before. It seems I consistently wake up before my alarm. Sometimes way before. And I don't waste the extra time, but damn, I would love some sleep!!!

Furniture tomorrow. If I start pulling things out, I will not sleep until it is 100% done. And that is not in my best interest right now.

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