Wednesday, March 26, 2014

9 cloves of roasted garlic on a piece of toasted Ezekiel bread with freshly ground himalayan salt and pepper , and of course, a few generous dashes of hot sauce.

Why?  WHY?

Actually, it is quite delicious. Especially after my fever peaked at 105. Yes, degrees. That was yesterday.

I actually got up, showered, dressed, put on makeup, and looked at my daughter and said "I need to get back to bed. Wake me by 7:15". Hubby looked at me at 7:10 when my internal clock started bugging out, and said "NO WAY. Get back to bed." Mind you, hubby has had the plague for a week. Bad. He probably also tipped the thermometer at 105. But he took her to school. Because I must have looked like a corpse.

Been doing the usual fixes and am so glad to have made lots of soup throughout the hubby's plague. It probably helped me keep it as together as I could until it just said "Stop this shit, lady, and sleep!"

Kombucha, essiac, water, coconut water, matcha today for a little energy, lots of homemade soup, and fruit. Man, what is it with fruit? When you're either knocked down with the plague or even just a cold, or recovering from surgery - FRUIT is the only thing I consistently can stomach. Our favorite right now? Persimmons. I hated them until now. Why? Because I was told to only eat them when they're super squishy soft. Ugh. It's like the best vomit, ever. I decided to buy some the other day, unsquishified. Yum? Totally hooked. Super sweet - and chock full of good stuff.

So, here we are. Not well, but not bad. I've been skating on the edge of being sick with him sick, but luckily we went in phases to take care of each other. We're like the worst ice skating duo, ever. Nothing is in sync, but at least we're here for each other. *cough* *moan*

Yeah, the moaning. It got so bad a few times. I couldn't move. I just could barely moan. And it reminded me of my mom. From the time I was 10 until she passed away (I was 18) I remember many, many many of those moments being in moaning. I always felt bad for my mom, but I had no idea what she had been feeling to emit such noises. Even when she thought nobody could hear.

I made those noises after surgeries. Note that I do not do well on pain meds, so I simply forego the strong ones.

And during my bout with the plague, I made them. Yesterday - a lot. Hubby was not in the bedroom a lot and I think I now know why. Because nothing could really help me, other than the meds he kept trying to force feed me. I may take something tomorrow to get through my day, but today? I felt like I needed to feel my pain, so as not to push too hard. So I did some moaning again today. But it was a little better. Tomorrow, I have to get back to life, so let's hope my body and brain cooperate.

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