Monday, February 11, 2013

2 to go. Come on, skin, hang on for a few more torture sessions...

Had a late appointment due to software upgrade at the hospital. I couldn't help but say Good Morning to all my usual suspects even though it was 4pm!

Had my zaps. Bitched about my peeling skin. Got some gauze and a promise for a new silvadene prescription tomorrow. My jar is over half empty and we just got it Thursday evening! I'm tempted to use sparingly tonight just in case, but fuck it. I'd better get my refill tomorrow. The skin is open under my armpit, and of course, that's where you sweat. And of course, sweat has salt. Stingstingstingsting.

I have a recording session Wednesday. Talk about sweating! That happens to be my last treatment as well - if my girl is well enough, she and hubby are coming along for her science project, and also to celebrate the end of an era. I'm sure she'll be ok with being a little late for class!

Got my hormones revved today - every morning I walk by Subway and I smell fresh baking (crappy ) bread (product) and I think, mmmmm.  Today, since I was alone for dinner and walking by after treatment at almost 5pm, I walked in and got a BMT with mayo. My hormones are screaming, stomach growling, so I figured, go for it. I haven't had one of these in maybe a year? I don't know. It was perfect. I also enjoyed 3 home baked cookies after. These damned hormones. But I know what it is, and it's fine.

I can't wait until my skin heals up. I am so looking forward to sweating again (gym) without wanting to cry. I'm looking forward to being able to think clearly. To not be perpetually exhausted. To be able to sleep through the night. My exhaustion and inability to sleep just don't make sense. But, here I am. I think it's time to curl up with the kitties in bed and watch something dumb and try to sleep. What the hell. I could lie and say I'm going to try and accomplish something tonight, but as far as I know, I've accomplished fulfilling my hormonal cravings, and keeping it under 2,000 calories!

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