Thursday, November 12, 2015

Does my Lymphedema make my arm look fat?

It feels SO heavy and full today. I have been nonstop for the past month+. Not enough sleep. Too much working. I'm so glad I am now wearing a sleeve during the day, as I know it helps so much.

In fact, I get compliments on them. People ask where they can get them - they think it's a decorative thing! *I wish*

Maybe my lymphedema will force me to rest more. I caught a cat nap earlier, and I fell into a full on dreaming sleep, in 30 minutes. 

Interestingly, I think my arm looks smaller, now that I wear my sleeve. I mean, when I take it off, it looks kind of puny. My other one? I work out, and it does show. Lefty does just as much work, but somehow it looks smaller. The good news is that it looked that way before the lymphedema set in (one of the signs for me was when they looked even, and then it looked bigger - since I'm a righty, it was always the bigger arm). So, yes. I'm grateful for that. Of course, when I wear the sleeve, I hate how my arm DOESN'T look rocked. Muscle-wise, anyway. It looks like a girl arm. Like, a skinny fat arm. You know what I'm talking about - the slim girls who can't lift a pencil. Soft, mushy arms. I know there are worse things, but I like feeling AND looking strong. I want someone who is potentially out to mess with someone to look at me and think, "Hm. That one looks like she could put up a good fight". Yup, I always want to avoid a fight. 

So, here I am. Life sentence of a sleeve/gauntlet, exhausted beyond belief! Exhausted, delirious, and today I actually skipped the gym. Other than traveling, I'm very consistent. since I only had about 3 hours of sleep last night, my pillow and I needed to be BFF's. Imagine, if I'd gone to the gym at my regular time, I would have had 1 hour of sleep. Yes. I do believe I made the right decision.

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