Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week from downstairs

It's going to be busy - I'm looking forward to next Sunday!

Quick update from my phone between working on music!  Feeling ok. Weight battle continues. Mood is generally better. (It couldn't get worse!!!). 

Met a new Gp. Fabulous. She said I'm anemic. So now I have to take iron. Which constipates the crap out of me. Haha. Oxymoron! I started taking it with probiotics which at least stopped the tummy pains. Said my thyroid didn't warrant meds. Ugh. For once I actually wanted them!!! 

That's about it. I can barely move. Let's hope I get some sleep. I'll definitely be needing it!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


I know. I can have epic menstrual stuff for months after surgery. Crampy today, but I'm not going to let it destroy me!

My cleanse went very well. I actually felt a ton better, though I was bloated after introducing solids (carrots! YUM!) I did it a day before hitting the road for a gig and am glad for that decision, because on show day I didn't feel too awful, though some bloating did occur. But, I was definitely better off than if I had not done the 3 day cleanse at all.

I thought about doing it again today, but after trudging through snow for about an hour, really wanted something comforting. So, I made shiritaki noodles with peanut sauce. And followed it with some kimchi. And plantain chips. MUCH better. I'm thinking salad for dinner. And maybe tomorrow, a one day cleanse. Why not? We'll see how I feel.

But. I am cramping today. Who knows why? Could be PMS, which is due. And given last months epic flow, it would make sense to not be super comfy. Last night, I had tremendous breast pain. I actually was thankful that I only have one. Go figure! *sigh*

And, Wednesday is a mammogram for my girl that's left. Let's hope I'm not having pain. And, of course I'm late on the schedule, so I can't really put it off. Grin and bear tit.  Ugh.

It's been a very emotional month for me. I'd like a little respite from it all. Perhaps a little dark chocolate tonight?  (there goes the couple of pounds I managed to drop!)